Japan chooses Unimed, the only African Pharmaceutical laboratory for the manufacture of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for covid-19 and other diseases

Signature event with GCUBE
Signature event with GCUBE
A signing ceremony of the Tunisian-Japanese partnership agreement took place on Tuesday 14 June at the UNIMEd headquarters in Kalaâ Kebira (Susah). Present at this event were the guests of Mr.Ridha Charfeddine, Directo General of UNIMED ? namely :
  • His excellency Mr.Shinsuke SHIMIZU, Ambassador of Japan to Tunisia.
  • Mr.YNOTE TSURO, President of the Japan Association for the Economic Development of Africa (AFRECO)
  • Mr.KENJINI SHIMURA, the Managing Director of thr Japanese company GCUBE.
  • Prof. Chiheb Ben Rayana, Director General of the National Laboratory for the Control of Medicines representing the Minister of Health.
  • Pr. Hédi Ben Abbas, President of the Tunisian-Japaanese Chamber of Coemmerce and Industry
  • Mr. Slahddine Hallara, CEO of IHE Group.
Other personalities in the acadamic and industrial fields participated in this ceremony.

Unimed was chhosen on objective criteria based on its expertise in the pharmaceutical industry. Its high level of quality, its international positioning and its transparent management.

– The aim of this partnership is the construction in the field of health of a competitive and sustainable industrial system based on technology transfer and the strengthening of Tunisian capacitiees to meet a current and future need of the world market.

A second partnership project between UNIMED-ESPITA and GCUBE has been annouced to create a business incubator(startup) of Medical Researchh and Development with the aim of stregthening the capacities of IVD (In Vitro Diagnostic) technoloy various epidimics from covid-19 and manufacturing other medical devices. 

This startuo illustrates Unimed’s openness to its university environment to promote research results.

In his speech, Mr. Ridha Charfeddine stressed that this partnership is an affirmation of the recognition of Tunisian skills by Japanese scientific and economic operators.

The Rapid Diagnostic Kit « Made in Tunisia », manufactured in Unimed, will be exhibited at the Tokyo International Conference of African Development (TICAD 8) in its eignth edition, which will take placein Tunis on 27 and 28 August 2022.

The success of this partnership will open up further opportunities for Tunisian Japanese cooperation in inovative and cutting-edge fields.